API V1 - Hub de Marketplaces - ERP

Documentation of resources available in public APIs for integrations of Uappi marketplace platforms or ERPs with the Marketplaces Hub


API used when creating a platform-type ERP channel in the Marketplaces Hub

First steps

To start developing the integration of the ERP platform with the Marketplaces Hub using the new passive APIs of the Marketplaces Hub, it is necessary to understand that the processing flow requires the ERP channel to have a pair of access credentials to use the APIs authenticated.

This pair of authentication keys can be generated by creating a new platform-type Marketplaces Hub integration with the ERP channel.


The production and approval environments are divided and can be accessed via the URLs below:


  • API: https://omni.sandbox.wapstore.com.br/omni-api
  • Portal: https: //omni.sandbox.wapstore.com.br


  • API: https://omni.wapstore.com.br/omni-api
  • Portal: https:// omni.wapstore.com.br

Response Headers

POST, PUT and DELETE requests have some useful headers in their response, containing the ID of the generated request (Request-Id) and the request limits for each endpoint (X-RateLimit -Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining). If you encounter problems with a request, simply inform the support team of the request ID, as this will make it easier to obtain the logs and reduce the time it takes to fix the problem.

Response header example
Cache-Control: no-cache, private
Content-Type: application/json
X-RateLimit-Limit: 60
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 59
Request-Id: 1R17E20190510133646C1557506206412V9676


The Marketplaces Hub APIs have two levels of authentication: Application authentication and Integration channel authentication (ERP platform type channel).

Application authentication

All integrated applications have an identification token called AppToken which must be sent in the header of all requests, as without it, it is not possible to identify the connected application and its connection will be denied immediately.

In production, each application has a unique AppToken, however in approval, all applications must use the homologation AppToken, as shown in the example below:

Header example with AppToken
App-Token: homologacao
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

Integration authentication

The second level of authentication is that of integration, that is, of the seller's account to be requested.

Integration authentication is done using a temporary access token, generated in the authentication and which must be sent in the header of all requests in the Authorization index (except the authentication request, where only the AppToken must be sent).

Example of header with Authorization
App-Token: homologacao
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBpLm9tbmkud2Fwc3RvcmUuY29tLmJyXC8iLCJhdWQiOiJBcGkgZGUgVGVzdGUiLCJpYXQiOjE1NTc0MjgzMjcsIm5iZiI6MTU1NzQyODMyNywiZXhwIjoxNTU3NDMwMTI3LCJ0aWQiOiIwOWI4ZGI5YWYxNjhkMDRhMmE2OTBhNTQ1NmEyZWRmMSJ9.Gfvm1Z54pUXZhlNhafV1fEoOBiMGS_sku4o2a8CKWmY

Firewall and security (TLS/SSL)

In production, we have several protection services connected (firewall, anti-DDoS protection, always updated TLS, among others) and all of these services work to guarantee the integrity of the system (mainly because the data that passes through the platform is sensitive - data card numbers, addresses, etc.).

So that your system is not blocked by our security services and can create stable communication with our production APIs, it is extremely important that all requests are sent valid user-agents, all connections are made using the HTTPS protocol and that your system supports the most up-to-date TLS/SSL certificates (use an online service such as SSL Labs to check which TLS/SSL certificate is supported by production servers).

In addition, the use of a fixed IP in requests production is also very important, as our infrastructure and security team can create specific rules for this IP, which greatly increases security and reduces the risk of blocking.

In the approval environment, the risk of blocking by security services is low, so always develop your application focusing on the maximum levels of security that will be required in production.


POST /v1/logistic/auth

Resource responsible for generating the integration authentication token.

For this resource, the only token that must be sent in the header is the AppToken, as at this moment you have not yet will have the integration token.
The data sent in the body (ApiKey and SecretKey) is related to the Seller's integration account (approval or production account).

After the token is generated, it will be valid for 30 minutes and must be sent in the Authorization header of other APIs.

Important: Whenever a new token is generated, the previous one will be revoked and you will lose access immediately.

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 201 Created


Example of authorization request
	"apiKey": "1234A5678B9012C3456",

Request details

Field Type Mandatory Description
apiKey String Yes Seller integration API public key
secretKey String Yes Seller Integration API Private Key


Example of authorization response (generated token)
    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBpLm9tbmkud2Fwc3RvcmUuY29tLmJyXC8iLCJhdWQiOiJBcGkgZGUgVGVzdGUiLCJpYXQiOjE1NTc0NTc2OTYsIm5iZiI6MTU1NzQ1NzY5NiwiZXhwIjoxNTU3NDU5NDk2LCJ0aWQiOiI5MzRjZTY2ZGY5MDQ1YWNmMzY1MGIyZWEzNWUxYjMwMSJ9.Ii148QGob19NI2-fsMbqvMpmVFyGR3bkJjSbOxaCxmg"

Response details

Field Type Description
token String Access token generated for the APIs

Order labels

GET /v1/logistic/orders/{id}/shipment_labels

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 200 Ok
Offset/Limit Mandatory the sending of the offset and limit parameters in the request URL.
Example of requisition: /v1/logistic/orders/{id}/shipment_labels?offset=0&limit=100
Maximum value for the limit parameter: 100


Example of tag query response
  "etiquetas": [
      "conteudo": "YXJxdWl2byB0ZXN0ZQ==",
      "tipo": "pdf",
      "canal": "string",
      "idPedidoCanal": "123"
      "conteudo": "YXJxdWl2byB0ZXN0ZQ==",
      "tipo": "zpl",
      "canal": "string",
      "idPedidoCanal": "123"
      "conteudo": "YXJxdWl2byB0ZXN0ZQ==",
      "tipo": "png|jpg",
      "canal": "string",
      "idPedidoCanal": "123"
  "info": {
    "filtros": [],
    "prev": "",
    "self": "http://localhost/v1/logistic/orders/13127721/shipment_labels?offset=0&limit=100",
    "next": "",
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "exibindo": 0,
    "total": 0

Response details

Field Type Description
etiquetas Data Collection Order label list
   conteudo String Tag content converted to base64
   tipo String File type before converting to base64
   canal String Marketplace channel where the order was generated
   idPedidoCanal Number Order ID in the marketplace channel where it was generated
info Object Information about the listing (paging, filters, total items, etc.)
   filtros Object (key/value) Filters applied to the URL
   prev String Previous page
   self String Current page
   next String Next page
   offset Number Requested offset
   limit Number Limit requested
   exibindo Number Number of records being displayed on the current page
   total Number Total records on all pages


GET /v1/erp/channels

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 200 Ok
Limit requests per minute 10


Example of connected channels query response
          "nome":"Canal A",
          "nome":"Canal B",

Response details

Field Type Description
canais Data Collection Connected channels
   id Number Channel ID in HUB
   hash String Channel hash in HUB
   nome String Name given to the channel by the seller
   ativo Boolean Defines whether the channel is active on the HUB
info Object Information about returning the consultation
   total Number Total channels returned

Safety stock

GET /v1/erp/products/security-stock

Resource available to check the safety stock of products

This resource can be used to check the amount of safety stock available for products in your store.

Important: If the product does not have safety stock, it will not be returned

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 200 Ok
Filters idCanalIntegracao: Filter the search for products using the integration channel ID
Exemplo de requisição: /v1/erp/products/security-stock?idCanalIntegracao=16|22|708
sku: Filter the search for products using the sku
Exemplo de requisição: /v1/erp/products/security-stock?sku=produto-teste|novo-produto
Limit requests per minute 40
Offset/Limit Mandatory the sending of the offset and limit parameters in the request URL.
Example of requisition: /v1/erp/products/security-stock?offset=0&limit=100
Maximum value for the limit parameter: 100


Example of a response to a security stock query
    "produtosEstoqueSeguranca": {
        "Wapstore Marketplace": [
                "idProduto": 4,
                "skuProduto": "produto-2-tete-36",
                "idCanalIntegracao": 459,
                "qtdEstoqueSeguranca": 12
        "Shopee": [
                "idProduto": 9,
                "skuProduto": "produto-teste-1",
                "idCanalIntegracao": 708,
                "qtdEstoqueSeguranca": 10
    "info": {
        "filtros": [],
        "prev": "",
        "self": "https://omni.wapstore.com.br/v1/erp/products/security-stock?offset=0&limit=5",
        "next": "https://omni.wapstore.com.br/v1/erp/products/security-stock?offset=5&limit=5",
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 2,
        "exibindo": 2,
        "total": 55

Response details

Field Type Description
produtosEstoqueSeguranca Object List of products returned from the query
   nomeCanalIntegracao Data Collection Channel name returned from the query
      idProduto Number platform product ID
      skuProduto String Product SKU
      idCanalIntegracao Number Channel integration ID in HUB
      qtdEstoqueSeguranca Number Safety stock quantity
info Object Information about the query response
   filtros Array Array of filters used in the query
   prev String Previous page
   self String Current page
   next String Next page
   offset Number Requested offset
   limit Number Limit requested
   exibindo Number Number of records being displayed on the current page
   total Number Total records on all pages

PUT /v1/erp/products/security-stock

Resource responsible for changing the safety stock of a product

This resource can be used to update an existing safety stock or create a new one.

Important: The product must be registered on the HUB

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 200 Ok


Example of safety stock change request
  "idCanalIntegracao": 205,
  "sku": "TESTE-ITEM02",
  "estoqueSeguranca": 8

Request details

Field Type Mandatory Description
idCanalIntegracao Number Yes Channel integration ID in HUB
Minimum value: 1
sku String Yes Product SKU
Minimum size: 1 | Maximum size: 255
estoqueSeguranca Number Yes Safety stock quantity
Minimum value: 0


Example of safety stock change response
    "ProdutoEstoqueSeguranca": [
            "idProduto": 3,
            "idAtributoSimples": 2,
            "idCanalIntegracao": 207,
            "idIntegracao": 3,
            "estoqueSeguranca": 10,
            "dataCadastro": "2024-02-15 20:28:35",
            "dataAtualizacao": "2024-02-15 21:39:29"
            "idProduto": 3,
            "idAtributoSimples": 3,
            "idCanalIntegracao": 207,
            "idIntegracao": 3,
            "estoqueSeguranca": 10,
            "dataCadastro": "2024-02-15 20:28:35",
            "dataAtualizacao": "2024-02-15 21:39:29"
            "idProduto": 3,
            "idAtributoSimples": 4,
            "idCanalIntegracao": 207,
            "idIntegracao": 3,
            "estoqueSeguranca": 10,
            "dataCadastro": "2024-02-15 20:28:35",
            "dataAtualizacao": "2024-02-15 21:39:29"

Response details

Field Type Description
ProdutoEstoqueSeguranca Data Collection List of products with changed/created safety stock
   idProduto Number Product ID
   idAtributoSimples Number Simple Attribute ID
   idCanalIntegracao Number Channel integration ID in HUB
   idIntegracao Number integration ID
   estoqueSeguranca Number Safety stock quantity
   dataCadastro String Registration date
   dataAtualizacao String Update date

Custom Pricing

GET /v1/erp/products/customized-prices

Resource available to consult products with personalized prices in the HUB.

This feature can be used to consult products with personalized prices in your store, returning "from" price and "per" price

Important: If the product does not have a personalized price, it will not be returned

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 200 Ok
Filters idCanalIntegracao: Filter the search for products using the integration channel ID
Exemplo de requisição: /v1/erp/products/customized-prices?idCanalIntegracao=16|22|708
sku: Filter the search for products through the sku | Product level
Exemplo de requisição: /v1/erp/products/customized-prices?sku=produto-teste|novo-produto
Limit requests per minute 40
Offset/Limit Mandatory the sending of the offset and limit parameters in the request URL.
Example of requisition: /v1/erp/products/customized-prices?offset=0&limit=100
Maximum value for the limit parameter: 100


Custom pricing query response example
    "produtosPrecoPersonalizado": {
        "Dafiti": [
                "idProduto": 77,
                "skuProduto": "Teste",
                "idCanalIntegracao": 177,
                "precoDePersonalizado": "100,00",
                "precoPorPersonalizado": "80,00"
        "Mercado Livre": [
                "idProduto": 58,
                "skuProduto": "produto-teste",
                "idCanalIntegracao": 177,
                "precoDePersonalizado": "20,00",
                "precoPorPersonalizado": "10,00"
    "info": {
        "filtros": [],
        "prev": "",
        "self": "https://omni.wapstore.com.br/v1/erp/products/customized-prices?offset=0&limit=2",
        "next": "https://omni.wapstore.com.br/v1/erp/products/customized-prices?offset=2&limit=2",
        "offset": "0",
        "limit": "2",
        "exibindo": 2,
        "total": "14"

Response details

Field Type Description
produtosPrecoPersonalizado Object Object with the return of channels and their respective products with personalized prices
   nomeCanalIntegracao Data Collection Dynamic property that returns the channel name
      idProduto Number Product ID in HUB
      skuProduto String Product SKU in HUB
      idCanalIntegracao Number Channel integration ID in HUB
      precoDePersonalizado Number Custom “from” price of the product
      precoPorPersonalizado Number Custom "per" price of the product
info Object Pagination information and filters
   filtros Array Array of filters used in the query
   prev String Previous page
   self String Current page
   next String Next page
   offset Number Requested offset
   limit Number Limit requested
   exibindo Number Number of records being displayed on the current page
   total Number Total records on all pages

PUT /v1/erp/products/customized-prices

Resource available to change/create personalized prices for products registered in the HUB.

With this functionality it is possible for the same product to have different prices per integration channel. This can be applied at both levels: (Product/Variation).

Important: The product must be registered in the HUB.

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 200 Ok
Limit requests per minute 60


Example of request to update/create a custom price
    "precos": [
        "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
        "skuProduto": "ABC123",
        "precoDe": 25.50,
        "precoPor": 20.00
        "idCanalIntegracao": 2,
        "skuProduto": "XYZ789",
        "precoDe": 35.75,
        "precoPor": 30.50
        "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
        "skuProduto": "DEF456",
        "precoDe": 18.99,
        "precoPor": 15.49

Request details

Field Type Mandatory Description
precos Data Collection Yes Customized price list by Integration Channel
Minimum size: 1 | Maximum size: 100
   idCanalIntegracao Number Yes Channel integration ID in HUB
Minimum value: 1
   skuProduto String Yes Product SKU
Minimum size: 1 | Maximum size: 250
   precoDe Number Yes Product 'from' price
Minimum value: 0.01 | Maximum value: 999999.99
   precoPor Number Yes Product 'per' price
Minimum value: 0.01 | Maximum value: 999999.99


Example of updating/creating a custom price response
    "resultados": [
        "skuProduto": "ABC123",
        "sucessos": [
            "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
            "precoDe": 25.50,
            "precoPor": 20.00
            "idCanalIntegracao": 2,
            "precoDe": 35.75,
            "precoPor": 30.50
        "erros": []
        "skuProduto": "XYZ789",
        "sucessos": [],
        "erros": [
            "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
            "mensagem": "Produto não encontrado"
        "skuProduto": "DEF456",
        "sucessos": [
            "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
            "precoDe": 18.99,
            "precoPor": 15.49
        "erros": []

Response details

Field Type Description
resultados Data Collection Custom price processing results
   skuProduto String Product SKU
   sucessos Data Collection Custom prices successfully created/changed
      idCanalIntegracao Number Channel integration ID in HUB
      precoDe Number Price 'from' of the product
      precoPor Number Price 'per' of the product
   erros Data Collection Errors that occurred when creating/changing custom prices
      idCanalIntegracao Number Channel ID integration in HUB
      mensagem String Error information

DELETE /v1/erp/products/customized-prices/{idCanalIntegracao}/{skuProduto}

Resource responsible for deleting a custom price.

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 204 No Content
/v1/erp/products/customized-prices/{idCanalIntegracao}/{skuProduto} Channel ID integration in HUB
/v1/erp/products/customized-prices/{idCanalIntegracao}/{skuProduto} Product SKU

Customized prices (MercadoLivre)

PUT /v1/erp/mercadolivre/items/customized-prices

Resource available to change/create personalized prices for ads in the Hub that are published on MercadoLivre.

Important: The ad must be published on MercadoLivre.

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 200 Ok
Limit requests per minute 60


Example of request to update/create a personalized price for an ad
    "precos": [
        "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
        "prefixoCanalIntegracao": "MLB",
        "skuProduto": "ABC123",
        "precoDe": 25.50,
        "precoPor": 20.00
        "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
        "prefixoCanalIntegracao": "MLP",
        "skuProduto": "ABC123",
        "precoDe": 35.75,
        "precoPor": 30.50
        "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
        "prefixoCanalIntegracao": "MLF",
        "skuProduto": "DEF456",
        "precoDe": 18.99,
        "precoPor": 15.49

Request details

Field Type Mandatory Description
precos Data Collection Yes Customized price list for MercadoLibre ads
Minimum size: 1 | Maximum size: 100
   idCanalIntegracao Number Yes Channel integration ID in HUB
Minimum value: 1
   prefixoCanalIntegracao String Yes Prefix configured to differentiate ad types
Minimum size: 1 | Maximum size: 10
   skuProduto String Yes Product SKU
Minimum size: 1 | Maximum size: 250
   precoDe Number Yes Price 'from' of the product
Minimum value: 0.01 | Maximum value: 999999.99
   precoPor Number Yes Price 'per' of the product
Minimum value: 0.01 | Maximum value: 999999.99


Example of updating/creating a personalized price response for an ad
    "resultados": [
        "skuProduto": "ABC123",
        "sucessos": [
            "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
            "prefixoCanalIntegracao": "MLB",
            "codigoMlb": "MLB1999999999",
            "precoDe": 25.50,
            "precoPor": 20.00
            "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
            "prefixoCanalIntegracao": "MLP",
            "codigoMlb": "MLB2999999999",
            "precoDe": 35.75,
            "precoPor": 30.50
        "erros": []
        "skuProduto": "DEF456",
        "sucessos": [],
        "erros": [
            "idCanalIntegracao": 1,
            "prefixoCanalIntegracao": "MLF",
            "mensagem": "Não foi possível localizar anúncios Grátis para este SKU."

Response details

Field Type Description
resultados Data Collection Custom price processing results
   skuProduto String Product SKU
   sucessos Data Collection Custom prices successfully created/changed
      idCanalIntegracao Number Channel integration ID in HUB
      prefixoCanalIntegracao String Prefix for which the price customization application was successful
      codigoMlb String MLB code of the ad to which the personalization was applied
      precoDe Number Price 'from' of the product
      precoPor Number Price 'per' of the product
   erros Data Collection Errors that occurred when creating/changing custom prices
      idCanalIntegracao Number Channel ID integration in HUB
      prefixoCanalIntegracao String Prefix for which there was an error when applying price customization
      mensagem String Error information

DELETE /v1/erp/mercadolivre/items/customized-prices/{idCanalIntegracao}/{prefixoCanalIntegracao}/{skuProduto}

Resource responsible for deleting a custom price.

Endpoint information
Environment Sandbox / Production
Success Status 204 No Content
/v1/erp/mercadolivre/items/customized-prices/{idCanalIntegracao}/{prefixoCanalIntegracao}/{skuProduto} Channel ID integration in HUB
/v1/erp/mercadolivre/items/customized-prices/{idCanalIntegracao}/{prefixoCanalIntegracao}/{skuProduto} Prefix configured to differentiate ad types
/v1/erp/mercadolivre/items/customized-prices/{idCanalIntegracao}/{prefixoCanalIntegracao}/{skuProduto} Product SKU

Error response

All requests that result in errors will have the same return pattern. The HTTP status code returned will indicate whether the problem is with the request (client-site - 4xx) or processing (server-site - 5xx) and the message will describe additional details about the problem.

Error response example
    "error": "Requisição rejeitada.",
    "details": [
        "O SKU 'TESTEAPISIMPLES' já está cadastrado"
Field Type Description
error String Information about the error presented
details Array de strings Details about the error presented (returned in some error cases)